Unmasking the Mystery: How Can I Obtain the Actual Value Instead of the Displayed Value in Excel?
Image by Nanyamka - hkhazo.biz.id

Unmasking the Mystery: How Can I Obtain the Actual Value Instead of the Displayed Value in Excel?

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Are you tired of seeing those pesky formatting masks in Excel, hiding the actual values from you? Do you find yourself stuck in a never-ending loop of wondering what’s behind the curtain? Fear not, dear Excel enthusiast, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to uncover the secrets of obtaining the actual value instead of the displayed value in Excel!

The Problem: Formatting Masks Galore

In Excel, when you enter a value, it’s not always what it seems. Sometimes, the value you see is not the actual value, but rather a formatted representation of it. This can lead to confusion, errors, and a general sense of frustration. For instance, suppose you have a cell containing the value “123,456.78”, but it’s formatted as currency, showing only “$123,456”. You might be wondering, “How do I get to the actual value without the dollar sign and commas?”

Why Does This Happen?

Excel’s formatting system is designed to make your data more readable and visually appealing. However, this can sometimes lead to a disconnect between the displayed value and the actual value. The formatting mask applies to the cell, which can include things like:

  • Currency symbols (e.g., $, €, £)
  • Thousands separators (e.g., commas, periods)
  • Date and time formats (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM:SS)
  • Percentage signs (%)
  • Custom formats (e.g., phone numbers, zip codes)

These formatting masks can make it challenging to work with the actual values, especially when you need to perform calculations, comparisons, or data analysis.

The Solution: Uncovering the Actual Value

Fear not, dear reader, for we have several ways to obtain the actual value instead of the displayed value in Excel:

Method 1: Using the `VALUE` Function

The `VALUE` function is a simple yet effective way to convert a displayed value to its actual value. The syntax is:


For example, if the cell A1 contains the formatted value “$123,456”, you can use the following formula:


This will return the actual value “123456” without the currency symbol and commas.

Method 2: Using the `TEXT` Function with the `VALUE` Function

Sometimes, the `VALUE` function might not work as expected, especially with dates and times. In such cases, you can use the `TEXT` function in combination with the `VALUE` function. The syntax is:


The `TEXT` function converts the displayed value to a string, and the `VALUE` function then converts it back to a numeric value.

Method 3: Using the `SUBSTITUTE` Function

The `SUBSTITUTE` function can be used to remove unwanted characters from the displayed value. The syntax is:

=SUBSTITUTE(cell_reference,unwanted Characters,"")

For example, to remove the dollar sign and commas from the formatted value “$123,456”, you can use:


This will return the actual value “123456”.

Method 4: Using the `REPLACE` Function

The `REPLACE` function is similar to the `SUBSTITUTE` function, but it allows you to replace a specific character or set of characters with something else. The syntax is:


For example, to replace the comma (“,”) with an empty string, you can use:


This will return the actual value “123456”.

Method 5: Using VBA Macro

If you’re comfortable with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), you can create a macro to remove formatting masks and return the actual values. Here’s an example code snippet:

Sub GetActualValue()
    Dim cell As Range
    Set cell = Range("A1")
    cell.Value = cell.Value
End Sub

This macro sets the value of the cell A1 to its actual value, removing any formatting masks.


In conclusion, obtaining the actual value instead of the displayed value in Excel is a skill worth mastering. By using the methods outlined above, you’ll be able to uncover the secrets behind the formatting masks and work with the actual values. Remember to choose the method that best suits your needs, and don’t be afraid to experiment and combine different techniques.

Bonus Tips and Tricks

TIP 1: Using the `F9` Key

Did you know that you can use the `F9` key to toggle between the displayed value and the actual value in the formula bar? Try it out!

TIP 2: Using the `ALT + ` Key

Pressing the `ALT + ` key will change the formatting of the selected cell to General, displaying the actual value.

TIP 3: Using the `Format Cells` Dialog Box

You can access the `Format Cells` dialog box by pressing `Ctrl + 1` or by right-clicking on the cell and selecting `Format cells`. From here, you can change the formatting to display the actual value.

Method Syntax Description
VALUE Function =VALUE(cell_reference) Returns the actual value from a displayed value
TEXT Function with VALUE Function =VALUE(TEXT(cell_reference,”@”)) Returns the actual value from a displayed value, handling dates and times
SUBSTITUTE Function =SUBSTITUTE(cell_reference,unwanted Characters,””) Removes unwanted characters from the displayed value
REPLACE Function =REPLACE(cell_reference,old_text,new_text) Replaces specific characters or sets of characters with something else
VBA Macro Sub GetActualValue() Removes formatting masks and returns the actual value using VBA

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. Remember to practice these methods and tips to become an Excel master! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Happy Excel-ing!

Stay tuned for more Excel tutorials, tips, and tricks!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to uncover the actual value behind the displayed value in Excel!

Q1: Why do I see a different value in the formula bar vs. the cell display?

This discrepancy often occurs due to formatting or rounding issues. To get the actual value, select the cell and look at the formula bar. The formula bar always displays the underlying value, unaffected by formatting.

Q2: How do I retrieve the actual value when the displayed value is rounded or truncated?

Use the `VALUE` function or the `TEXT` function with the proper format to extract the actual value. For example, `=VALUE(A1)` or `=TEXT(A1,”0.00″)` will give you the underlying value.

Q3: What if I have a date or time value that’s displaying incorrectly?

Date and time values can be finicky! Try using the `DATEVALUE` or `TIMEVALUE` function to get the actual value. These functions will convert the displayed value to its underlying serial number, giving you the accurate date or time.

Q4: Can I use VBA to extract the actual value from a cell?

Yes! In VBA, you can use the `Range.Value` property or `Range.Value2` property to get the actual value of a cell. For example, `MsgBox Range(“A1”).Value` will display the underlying value.

Q5: How do I get the actual value when the cell contains a formula?

Easy peasy! Use the `EVALUATE` function to calculate the formula and return the actual value. Alternatively, you can copy the formula, paste it into the formula bar, and then convert it to a value by pressing `F9`.