Mastering Jetpack Compose: LazyVerticalGrid with Items of Same Height and Dynamic Subviews
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Mastering Jetpack Compose: LazyVerticalGrid with Items of Same Height and Dynamic Subviews

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Hey there, fellow Android developers! Are you tired of struggling with Jetpack Compose’s LazyVerticalGrid, trying to figure out how to display items with the same height, but with a varying number of subviews? Well, you’re in luck! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of Compose and explore the best practices for creating a seamless user experience with LazyVerticalGrid.

Understanding the Challenge

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand the challenge we’re facing. Imagine you’re building a social media app, and you want to display a list of posts in a LazyVerticalGrid. Each post has a header, a content section, and a footer, but the number of subviews (e.g., images, videos, or text) in the content section varies from post to post. You want each item in the grid to have the same height, regardless of the number of subviews, to maintain a consistent layout.

The Problem with Fixed Height

One might think, “Why not just set a fixed height for each item?” Well, that approach has its limitations. What if the subviews are dynamic, and you can’t predict their height? What if you want to support different screen sizes and densities? A fixed height approach will lead to a poor user experience, with some items being cut off or displaying unnecessary space.

The Solution: Using LazyVerticalGrid with Dynamic Item Heights

The key to solving this challenge lies in using Jetpack Compose’s `LazyVerticalGrid` with a clever combination of `Modifier.height(IntrinsicSize.Max)` and `Box` components. Let’s break it down step by step.

Step 1: Define the Item Composable

fun PostItem(
    post: Post,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
        modifier = modifier
            .height(IntrinsicSize.Max) // Set the height to maximum intrinsic size
    ) {
            verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp),
            modifier = Modifier.padding(horizontal = 16.dp)
        ) {

In the above code, we define a `PostItem` composable that takes a `Post` object and an optional `modifier` parameter. We use `Box` to wrap the column, which will help us achieve the desired height. We set the `height` modifier to `IntrinsicSize.Max`, which tells Compose to calculate the height based on the content.

Step 2: Create the LazyVerticalGrid

fun PostList(
    posts: List<Post>
) {
        columns = GridCells.Adaptive(minSize = 150.dp),
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
        contentPadding = PaddingValues(horizontal = 16.dp, vertical = 8.dp)
    ) {
        items(posts) { post ->

In this code, we define a `PostList` composable that takes a list of `Post` objects. We create a `LazyVerticalGrid` with adaptive columns, set the `modifier` to fill the maximum width, and add some padding for a visually appealing layout. We then use the `items` function to populate the grid with `PostItem` composables.

Step 3: Display the PostList

fun PostScreen() {
    PostList(posts = viewModel.posts)

Finally, we display the `PostList` composable on the screen, passing in the list of posts from our view model.

Tips and Variations

Now that we’ve tackled the main challenge, let’s explore some additional tips and variations to take your LazyVerticalGrid to the next level:

  • Handling orientation changes: To ensure your grid adapts to screen orientation changes, use `fillMaxWidth()` and `fillMaxHeight()` modifiers on the `LazyVerticalGrid`.
  • Customizing grid spacing: Adjust the `contentPadding` and `gridCells` parameters to control the spacing between items and the number of columns.
  • Adding separators: Use ` Divider` composables between items to create visually appealing separators.
  • Handling empty states: Create a custom composable to display an empty state, and use the `items` function with an empty list to display it.
Modifier Description
`height(IntrinsicSize.Max)` Sets the height to maximum intrinsic size, allowing the item to adapt to its content.
`fillMaxWidth()` Fills the maximum available width, ensuring the item spans the entire width.
`GridCells.Adaptive(minSize = 150.dp)` Creates adaptive grid columns, with a minimum size of 150.dp, to accommodate varying item sizes.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the art of using Jetpack Compose’s LazyVerticalGrid to display items with the same height, but with a varying number of subviews. By leveraging `IntrinsicSize.Max`, `Box`, and clever modifiers, we’ve achieved a seamless user experience. Remember to experiment with different layout configurations, and don’t be afraid to get creative with your composables!

Stay tuned for more Compose tutorials, and happy coding!

Jetpack Compose LazyVerticalGrid items with same height having different number of Subview without giving a fixed height

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to take your Jetpack Compose skills to the next level with these frequently asked questions about LazyVerticalGrid items with same height having different number of Subview without giving a fixed height!

Q1: Why do I need to use LazyVerticalGrid in Jetpack Compose?

You need to use LazyVerticalGrid in Jetpack Compose when you want to display a large dataset in a scrollable grid, without having to load all the items at once. This is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets that might cause performance issues if loaded all at once.

Q2: How do I ensure that items in LazyVerticalGrid have the same height?

You can ensure that items in LazyVerticalGrid have the same height by using the `modifier` parameter and specifying a height. For example, `LazyVerticalGrid(modifier = Modifier.height(100.dp))`. This will make all items in the grid have a height of 100dp.

Q3: How do I handle different numbers of subviews for each item in LazyVerticalGrid?

You can handle different numbers of subviews for each item in LazyVerticalGrid by using a custom composable function that takes the item data as a parameter. This function can then use the data to generate the necessary subviews.

Q4: Can I use a RecyclerView instead of LazyVerticalGrid?

While you can use a RecyclerView, it’s worth noting that LazyVerticalGrid is a more efficient and easy-to-use solution for displaying large datasets in a grid layout. RecyclerView is more geared towards list-based layouts.

Q5: How do I handle item clicks in LazyVerticalGrid?

You can handle item clicks in LazyVerticalGrid by using the ` Modifier.clickable` modifier on the item composable function. This will allow you to provide a click handler function that will be called when an item is clicked.