Mastering SwiftUI: How to Create a Struct with a @Binding in its Parameter?
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Mastering SwiftUI: How to Create a Struct with a @Binding in its Parameter?

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SwiftUI is an incredible framework for building user interfaces, but it can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with complex data structures and bindings. One common question that pops up is, “How do I create a struct with a @Binding in its parameter?” Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of SwiftUI and uncover the secrets of working with structs and bindings!

What is a Struct in SwiftUI?

In SwiftUI, a struct is a basic data structure that stores information. Think of it as a container that holds values, similar to a class. However, structs are value types, whereas classes are reference types. This means that when you assign a struct to a new variable, you create a copy of the original, whereas with classes, you’re creating a reference to the original.

struct Person {
    let name: String
    let age: Int

What is a @Binding in SwiftUI?

In SwiftUI, a @Binding is a property wrapper that creates a two-way connection between a child view and its parent view. It’s a way to pass data from a parent view to a child view and have the child view notify the parent view of any changes. Think of it as a pipeline that lets you communicate between view hierarchies.

@Binding var userName: String

The Challenge: Creating a Struct with a @Binding in its Parameter

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s tackle the main question: How do we create a struct with a @Binding in its parameter? The answer might surprise you – it’s not as straightforward as you’d think.

The following code won’t work:

struct MyStruct {
    @Binding var myValue: Int

The reason is that @Binding is a property wrapper that requires a parent view to work. Since structs don’t have a parent view, we can’t use @Binding directly in the struct definition.

The Solution: Using a Class Instead

One solution is to use a class instead of a struct. Classes can hold @Binding properties, and we can create an instance of the class to use in our view hierarchy.

class MyClass {
    @Binding var myValue: Int
    init(myValue: Binding<Int>) {
        self._myValue = myValue

In this example, we’ve created a class called MyClass that holds a @Binding property called myValue. We’ve also added an initializer that takes a Binding<Int> parameter, which we use to initialize the @Binding property.

Using the Class in a View

Now that we have our class, let’s use it in a view:

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var myValue: Int = 0
    let myClassInstance = MyClass(myValue: $myValue)

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("My Value: \(myClassInstance.myValue)")
            Button("Increment Value") {
                myClassInstance.myValue += 1

In this example, we’ve created a view called MyView that holds a @State property called myValue. We’ve also created an instance of MyClass, passing the $myValue binding to the initializer. In the view body, we use the myClassInstance to display the current value and increment it when the button is tapped.

The Drawback: Losing the Benefits of Structs

While using a class instead of a struct solves the problem, it comes with a drawback – we lose the benefits of using structs. Structs are value types, which means they’re immutable by default, and we can take advantage of this to write more predictable and thread-safe code.

The Alternative Solution: Using a Struct with a Generic Type

A better solution is to use a struct with a generic type that conforms to the Bindable protocol. This approach allows us to create a struct that can hold a @Binding property while still maintaining the benefits of using structs.

protocol Bindable {
    associatedtype ValueType
    var binding: Binding<ValueType> { get set }

struct MyStruct<T: Bindable> {
    var binding: T

    init(binding: T) {
        self.binding = binding

In this example, we’ve created a protocol called Bindable that defines an associated type called ValueType and a binding property. We’ve also created a struct called MyStruct that takes a generic type T, which conforms to the Bindable protocol.

Using the Struct in a View

Now that we have our struct, let’s use it in a view:

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var myValue: Int = 0
    let myStructInstance = MyStruct(binding: MyBinding(myValue: $myValue))

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("My Value: \(myStructInstance.binding.binding.wrappedValue)")
            Button("Increment Value") {
                myStructInstance.binding.binding.wrappedValue += 1

struct MyBinding: Bindable {
    let binding: Binding<Int>

    init(myValue: Binding<Int>) {
        self.binding = myValue

In this example, we’ve created a view called MyView that holds a @State property called myValue. We’ve also created an instance of MyStruct, passing an instance of MyBinding to the initializer. In the view body, we use the myStructInstance to display the current value and increment it when the button is tapped.


Creating a struct with a @Binding in its parameter might seem like a daunting task, but with a little creativity and understanding of SwiftUI’s intricacies, we can achieve our goal. By using a class or a struct with a generic type that conforms to the Bindable protocol, we can create robust and flexible data structures that integrate seamlessly with SwiftUI’s binding system.

Remember, in SwiftUI, the key to success lies in understanding the framework’s building blocks and how they interact with each other. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of creating complex data structures and binding systems that will elevate your app’s user experience to new heights!

Struct vs Class Benefits Drawbacks
Struct Value type, immutable by default, thread-safe Can’t use @Binding directly
Class Can use @Binding, supports inheritance Reference type, mutable by default, less thread-safe
  • Structs are value types, whereas classes are reference types.
  • @Binding is a property wrapper that creates a two-way connection between a child view and its parent view.
  • Classes can hold @Binding properties, but structs cannot.
  • Using a struct with a generic type that conforms to the Bindable protocol allows us to create a struct that can hold a @Binding property while maintaining the benefits of using structs.

By following these guidelines and understanding the nuances of structs and bindings in SwiftUI, you’ll be well on your way to creating complex and powerful data structures that will take your app to the next level!

Frequently Asked Question

Want to know how to create a struct with a @binding in its parameter? We’ve got you covered!

What is the purpose of using @binding in a struct parameter?

The @binding annotation is used to inject a value into a struct parameter, which allows you to pass data from a parent view to a child view. It’s a powerful tool for creating reusable and modular code!

How do I define a struct with a @binding parameter in SwiftUI?

To define a struct with a @binding parameter, you need to add the @binding annotation to the parameter in the struct’s initializer. For example: struct MyStruct { @Binding var name: String };

Can I use @binding with multiple parameters in a struct?

Yes, you can use @binding with multiple parameters in a struct. Simply add the @binding annotation to each parameter that you want to bind to a value. For example: struct MyStruct { @Binding var name: String, @Binding var age: Int }

How do I pass a value to a @binding parameter when creating an instance of the struct?

To pass a value to a @binding parameter, you need to use the `$` symbol when creating an instance of the struct. For example: MyStruct(name: $userName, age: $userAge)

What happens if I don’t use the @binding annotation when passing a value to a struct parameter?

If you don’t use the @binding annotation, the value will be passed as a constant value, rather than a binding. This means that changes to the original value will not be reflected in the struct. So, make sure to use @binding when you want to create a two-way binding!