OAC – Displaying Average Count by Month of Year: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Nanyamka - hkhazo.biz.id

OAC – Displaying Average Count by Month of Year: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of sifting through endless rows of data to extract meaningful insights? Do you want to elevate your data analysis game and impress your colleagues with stunning visualizations? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to display the average count by month of year in Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) with ease.

Why Display Average Count by Month of Year?

Displaying the average count by month of year is a powerful way to identify trends, seasonality, and patterns in your data. By visualizing this metric, you can:

  • Understand customer behavior and purchasing habits
  • Identify peak sales periods and adjust marketing strategies accordingly
  • Analyze employee productivity and resource allocation
  • Optimize inventory management and supply chain logistics

Preparing Your Data

Before we dive into the tutorial, ensure you have the following:

  • A dataset with a date column (e.g., ‘Order Date’, ‘Transaction Date’, etc.)
  • A column with the count data you want to average (e.g., ‘Order Quantity’, ‘Transaction Value’, etc.)
  • An OAC account with the necessary permissions and data access

Step 1: Create a New Analysis

Log in to your OAC account and navigate to the ‘Analytics’ tab. Click the ‘Create’ button and select ‘Analysis’ to start building your visualization.

|  Create        |
|  Analysis      |

Step 2: Add Data

Drag and drop your dataset into the analysis canvas or click the ‘Add Data’ button to select your data source.

|  Add Data      |
|  [Select Data  |
|   Source]      |

Step 3: Create a Calculation

In the ‘Data’ tab, click the ‘New Calculation’ button to create a new formula.

|  New           |
|  Calculation  |

Name your calculation, e.g., ‘Avg Count by Month’, and enter the following formula:

TRUNC(DATETRUNC('month', "Order Date")) AS "Month",
AVG("Order Quantity") AS "Avg Order Quantity"

This formula truncates the ‘Order Date’ column to the month level and calculates the average ‘Order Quantity’ for each month.

Step 4: Create a Visualization

Drag the ‘Month’ column to the ‘Columns’ shelf and the ‘Avg Order Quantity’ column to the ‘Rows’ shelf.

Columns Rows
Month Avg Order Quantity

Select the ‘Bar Chart’ visualization type and adjust the settings as needed.

|  Bar Chart    |
|  [Customize]  |

Step 5: Format and Filter

Format the ‘Month’ column to display the month name (e.g., ‘Jan’, ‘Feb’, etc.) instead of the month number.

|  Format        |
|  [Month Format]|

Apply filters to exclude any unnecessary data, such as incomplete or irrelevant records.

|  Filter        |
|  [Apply Filters]|

Step 6: Visualize and Analyze

Your chart is now ready to display the average count by month of year! Analyze the visualization to identify trends, patterns, and insights:

  • Are there any seasonal fluctuations in the data?
  • Which months have the highest or lowest average counts?
  • How do these insights impact your business decisions?

Best Practices and Troubleshooting

To ensure accurate and reliable results:

  1. Verify data quality and integrity
  2. Use consistent date formats and granularity
  3. Avoid using aggregate calculations with grouped data
  4. Test and refine your calculations and visualizations

If you encounter issues or errors:

  • Check calculation syntax and data types
  • Verify data availability and access permissions
  • Consult OAC documentation and support resources


By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve successfully displayed the average count by month of year in OAC. This powerful visualization will help you uncover hidden trends, optimize business processes, and make data-driven decisions. Remember to continually refine and explore your data to unlock even more valuable insights!

Happy analyzing!

Frequently Asked Question

Confused about displaying average counts by month of the year in OAC? Get the answers you need right here!

How do I create a visualization that shows the average count by month of the year in OAC?

To create a visualization that shows the average count by month of the year in OAC, simply drag and drop the “Month” dimension to the Columns section, and the “Count” measure to the Rows section. Then, right-click on the “Count” measure and select “Aggregate” > “Average” to calculate the average count. You can also add a filter to specify the year range you’re interested in.

Can I display the average count by month of the year for multiple years in OAC?

Yes, you can display the average count by month of the year for multiple years in OAC by adding the “Year” dimension to the Filters section and selecting the desired year range. This will allow you to compare the average count by month across different years.

How do I change the month format in OAC to display the month name instead of the month number?

To change the month format in OAC to display the month name instead of the month number, simply click on the “Month” dimension in the Columns section, then click on the “Model” menu, and select “Column Properties”. In the “Column Properties” dialog box, select the “Format” tab, and then select “Month Name” from the “Format” dropdown list.

Can I use a different aggregation function instead of average in OAC?

Yes, you can use a different aggregation function instead of average in OAC. To do this, right-click on the “Count” measure and select “Aggregate” > “More Aggregations”, then select the desired aggregation function, such as Sum, Maximum, or Minimum, from the list.

How do I sort the months in chronological order in OAC?

To sort the months in chronological order in OAC, simply click on the “Month” dimension in the Columns section, then click on the “Data” menu, and select “Sort” > “Ascending”. This will sort the months in order from January to December.